Sudden demonetizations of old videos

Sudden demonetizations of old videos

28.06.2022 - Categories:

We often hear from our members that they get strikes or demonetizations for videos they posted years ago. They might have already forgotten about those videos and changed the topic of their channel, but YouTube suddenly finds violations there.


Yet, some people get away with other, more severe violations. YouTube's algorithm is not perfect, and the company lacks qualified human reviewers. In most cases, who gets "caught" or gets away with their mistakes is quite random.


We certainly do not recommend consciously breaking YouTube's Community Guidelines. Keeping an overview of all videos from your channel is difficult, but try to check your channel from time to time to delete old videos that might not meet YouTube's guidelines anymore.


Furthermore, we demand that YouTube should hire more human reviewers, be more transparent with their rules and treat all creators equally.